Environmental, Health and Safety Corporate Policy

Our commitment to quality in all aspects of our business, the environment and the safety and health of our employees, contractors and everyone else who may participate in the process of doing business.

To enable our customer to grow and excel, Maywei Inc. adheres to the international standards and all requirements for quality, the environment and employee safety.

Maywei Inc. respects, maintains and continually improves upon its:

​1. Quality Management System for its customers,

2. A health & Safety Management system to prevent injury and ill health for all who work for the company and

3. Environmental Management System for all of its stakeholders.

We are further committed to:

Meeting or Exceeding the Quality requirements of its customers.

Minimizing our impact on the environment and use of potential pollutants.

Compliance to all applicable legal, environmental, health, safety & other requirements that Maywei Wireless subscribes to.

We are committed to our customers, partners, and stakeholders.